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bezvezno bacanje kartica i test


The member 'Dawn' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world171

Nesposoban sam !

The member 'Kan' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'Kockica 6' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world49


#2 ' NPC Genin' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world172

još jednom !

The member 'Kan' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'Šanse' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world2


#2 'Kockica 6' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world49

Aktiviram sharingan koji mi povecava inteligenciju i preciznost
Barem ce te jedan shuriken pogoditi izbjegni ovo!!!!!

The member 'Dawn' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
bezvezno bacanje kartica i test #world175




Nara Clan

