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Ninja World | Reozaku Vs Tenin

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Ninja World - Roleplay Card Game

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Reozaku Vs Tenin

Da te vidimo bebane

#card1245 #card1253
Stvaram 3, ovo vaja 1.
Imam 4. Vajam ih 4 za 1 slot.
450 dmg po figuri.

The member 'Reo Bakuton' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world202

Leze C1.
Vajam 4C1
Dmg je 700 Jedne full izvajane
Bacam tu jednu, primam 300 dmg.
Bacam 2 od 700 na tebe
Stvaram i vajam nju i onu neizvajanu.

The member 'Reo Bakuton' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world204

Vajam C1 simsisa i bubu
700 dmg i 600
Gadjam te sa tim
Vajam ovo i C1 sto izlego skakavac.

The member 'Reo Bakuton' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world207

450 i 550 od proslih figura sto sam vajao.
Ta dva aktviram BUM.
Izglegao je sada c2 zmiju, vajam je.
Stvaram sam se vaja.

The member 'Reo Bakuton' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world208

C3 sam izvajan 800 dmg ima stoji tu
C2 Zmija vajam je ima sada 1100 dmg stoji tu.
Stvaram 3
Vajam 2, za 1 slot
Leze se c2 zmija od skakvca.
Vajam zmiju.

The member 'Reo Bakuton' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world205

Nmg vise. Pobedio sam svejedno.


Adhasiudasizudaizus asdakhsdbaizusiu 

The member 'Volen' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world179



asdabsdiuasasg asiuhaiusdhaiushdiuas

The member 'Volen' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world177


napadam zmajem

chakra - 30

The member 'Volen' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world179


Chakra - 100

The member 'Volen' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
Reozaku Vs Tenin #world176



sadasdas #card73
