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test fight

zemlja i santon 150lvl

Jebaću vam kevu
Ide bre na sve daj da vas vidim pičke

The member 'Kuro Santon' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
test fight  #world191 test fight  #world199 test fight  #world200

Level peska: 332 level peska

Defence 600 zid ostaje naa terenu nije uništen
Napad ide na sve dmg 832 max level peska na terenu

The member 'Kuro Santon' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
test fight  #world191 test fight  #world193 test fight  #world198

Primio sam 200 dmg majku ti jebem
Umri majku ti jebem

The member 'Kuro Santon' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
test fight  #world192

Lagano ezzzz