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Ninja World | Main Docks

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Ninja World - Roleplay Card Game

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Main Docks

Main docks are one of the most important infrastructures of Kirigakure. It's a huge part of its economy, as it is one of worlds most famous trading spots. Ships from all over the world sail to this one place in hopes of selling their goods to make a small fortune.

It's well guarded and consists of many buildings and shops.

Main Docks 3SAedPi

The Vulo has come to Kirikagure to take his revenge on the killer of his father and his plans are merciles










The member 'Zjalans' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Genin' :
Main Docks #world177 Main Docks #world177


The member 'Zjalans' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Special Jonin' :
Main Docks #world210 Main Docks #world213 Main Docks #world203 Main Docks #world210 Main Docks #world214 Main Docks #world202 Main Docks #world213 Main Docks #world213 Main Docks #world208 Main Docks #world210


The member 'Volen' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'Šanse' :
Main Docks #world1


#2 'Random Clan' :
Main Docks #world27


#3 'Random Talent' :
Main Docks #world9


#4 'Kockica 6' :
Main Docks #world48


#5 'Kockica 24' :
Main Docks #world61


#6 'Roulette' :
Main Docks #world333


#7 'Craps' :
Main Docks #world341 Main Docks #world341


#8 ' NPC Genin' :
Main Docks #world173


#9 'NPC Chunin' :
Main Docks #world185


#10 'NPC Jonin' :
Main Docks #world193


#11 ' NPC Special Jonin' :
Main Docks #world208


#12 'NPC Dark Legionare' :
Main Docks #world229


#13 'NPC Ocean Serpent' : 3


#14 'Dungeon Trap' :
Main Docks #world86


#15 'Dungeon Master Trap' :
Main Docks #world112


#16 'Dungeon Death Trap' :
Main Docks #world135